United Tribes Technical College
14 Grants from 1991 - 2020
Sponsorship of the Tribal Leaders Summit
Grants received
Sponsorship of the Tribal Leaders Summit
Sponsorship of the United Tribes Technical College Tribal Leaders Summit
Sponsorship of United Tribes Technical College Tribal Leaders Summit
Sponsorship of United Tribes Technical College 21st Annual Tribal Leader Summit
Sponsorship of the 20th Annual Tribal Leaders Summit & Trade Show
Sponsorship of Round Table for Building--Care and Respect Event (CARE)
Sponsorship of the United Tribes Tribal Leadership Summit, 'Strengthening Communities'
To continue a series of faculty workshops on instructional technology, distance learning, assessment of student learning, academic advising, and teaching of Native cultures
For faculty training in instructional methodology, assessment of learning, advising, and Native cultures
For workshops in curriculum development, teaching and learning strategies, and assessment of student learning, and for advanced training for faculty in vocational areas
To plan a program to strengthen general and cross-cultural education courses and faculty's instructional technology skills
To train faculty to use instructional technology and to support faculty in graduate degree programs
Faculty development program
Faculty development planning