Our purpose is still our purpose.
In the midst of all the changes in our world, our guiding purpose is unchanged: to make the region better for everyone.
February 13, 2025

By Jen Ford Reedy, president
Like many of you, we at the Bush Foundation are watching the rapidly changing federal policy environment closely. There are so many changes happening all at once that it is hard to track it all. And it is even harder to know what all the direct impacts will be in our region.
In the midst of all the changes in our world, our guiding purpose is unchanged: to make the region better for everyone.
Equity is central to this purpose. Our approach to equity means that for any issue — housing, education, health care, etc. — we want to understand who is not being well-served by the world as it is now. And then, based on that understanding, we want to support changes that can help make this a region that works well for everyone. It is a simple and common-sense strategic approach for an organization that wants to make positive change in a place. We still believe that our approach to equity is squarely aligned with our purpose, is within the law, and makes us better at what we do.
Our purpose is still our purpose. Our strategy is still our strategy: investing in great ideas and the people who power them. In this time of change and uncertainty, we will rise to challenges and opportunities as they come, to do the most possible good we can with the resources we steward.
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Opportunity to work with us
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