Celebrating 2023 Bush Prize winners
These organizations are highly valued in their communities...
October 15, 2023
Congratulations to the winners of the 2023 Bush Prize! These organizations are highly valued in their communities and have a strong track record of successful community problem solving.
We’re excited to celebrate them and our partnership with Strengthen ND, Good Relatives Collaborative, South Dakota Community Foundation and Headwaters Foundation for Justice. As our community grant partners, they operate the Bush Prize and select the winning organizations in their communities.
Bush Prize: North Dakota winners are Ministry on the Margins and New Rockford Betterment Corporation
Bush Prize: Native Nations winners are Dream of Wild Health and Little Earth Residents Association
Bush Prize: South Dakota winners are Black Hills Special Services Cooperative and Lost&Found
Bush Prize: Minnesota winners are Ayada Leads, New Native Theatre, Our Justice and Restaurant Opportunities Center-MN.
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Note from Jen
Note from Jen: Acknowledging and learning from the boarding school era
The Bush Foundation was invited to the gathering at Gila River...