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Search Bush Fellows from 1965 to the present

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Bush Fellowship

To complete a doctorate in educational leadership at St. Mary's University

Bush Fellowship

To increase clinical skills in child psychopharmacology; to serve as a rolel model and resource and educator for other pediatricians and family doctors to enhance overall quality and availability of pediatric psychiatric care.

Bush Fellowship

To improve clinical skills in Hospice care; to gain the knowledge to develop and implement an end of life audiotape program; to help manage pain and medical problems.

Bush Fellowship
Henderson, MN
Bush Fellowship

To obtain a master's degree in international education policy at Harvard University's School of Education

Bush Fellowship

To obtain a master's degree in public administration at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government and develop a model for community economic development in the African American community through a self-designed study program

Bush Fellowship

To increase personal skills and knowledge in the areas of assessment and treatment of childhood behavioral issues and learning and development disabilities, to acquire the administrative and public speaking skills necessary to promote the clinic and

Bush Fellowship

To study peace efforts throughout the world through a self-directed study program

Bush Fellowship

To pursue additional training in Emergency Medicine and to develop additional leadership skills

Bush Fellowship

To develop expertise in complex and high-risk communication, focusing on clinical and leadership situations.

Bush Fellowship

To pursue a Ph.D. in the Department of Family Social Science at the University of Minnesota

Bush Fellowship

To study the relationships between children's spirituality and their health.