OutFront Minnesota Community Services
5 Grants from 1995 - 2016
To build the leadership capacity of LGBTQ middle school and high school students and the support capacity of teachers and staff across Minnesota
Grants received
To build the leadership capacity of LGBTQ middle school and high school students and the support capacity of teachers and staff across Minnesota
OutFront Minnesota Community Services will work to make schools safe for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) youth by building community-based leadership teams across the state of Minnesota and organizing a youth summit for youth from across the state to share ideas and strategies for making schools safer.
To hire a communications director for an organization that attempts to influence public opinion about and provides services for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people
To add an operations director for a program that seeks equal protection under the law for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Minnesotans
For program support