Tougaloo College
16 Grants from 1986 - 2006
For the Historically Black College and University Faculty Development Network
Grants received
For the Historically Black College and University Faculty Development Network
For recovery for victims of Hurricane Katrina at Tougaloo College
To expand activities of the Historically Black College and University Network
To develop cross disciplinary learning community courses to improve student learning and retention rates
For a three-year renewal of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Faculty Development Network
To implement the strategic plan of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities Faculty Development Network
For a planning grant to evaluate and restructure the HBCU faculty development network
For small grants to develop case study based instruction approaches for individual courses, for faculty travel to other colleges using case-based instruction, and for administration, evaluation, and computer expenses
To promote more active learning opportunities for students through the development of assignments for groups of students to work together in teaching case studies that cross disciplinary lines
To learn about teaching technology and other ways to promote critical thinking in the classroom
To help establish a regional collaboration for faculty development among historically black colleges and universities
To help establish a regional collaboration for faculty development among historically black colleges and universities
To assess faculty and student learning styles and encourage innovative collaborative efforts to advance a common set of expected student outcomes, and to sponsor a regional summer conference to share faculty development experience with other historically black private colleges
To assess faculty and student learning styles and encourage innovative collaborative efforts to advance a common set of expected student outcomes
To assess faculty and student teaching and learning styles and encourage innovative collaborative efforts to advance a common set of expected student outcomes
For a Bush-Hewlett faculty development planning grant