Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota

11 Grants from 1987 - 2014

  • Total Amount Received: $3,125,000
  • Location: Winona, MN

Sponsorship of 2015 Missing Voices Conference

Grants received

$5,000 in 2014

  • Term: 7 Months

Sponsorship of 2015 Missing Voices Conference

$300,000 in 2003

  • Term: 45 Months

To reform the general education curriculum, to improve faculty educational technology skills, and to develop a core of faculty to mentor junior faculty leaders

$1,000,000 in 2000

  • Term: 19 Months

Endowment matching grant for the Legacy for Learning capital campaign

$300,000 in 1998

  • Term: 41 Months

For a program to improve the relationship between classroom and other college learning experiences

$20,000 in 1997

  • Term: 11 Months

To plan a program to move Saint Mary's from a faculty teaching centered institution to a student learning centered institution

$600,000 in 1994

  • Term: 19 Months

For a capital challenge grant

$240,000 in 1992

  • Term: 55 Months

For a faculty development program grant

$120,000 in 1990

  • Term: 24 Months

For a faculty development program grant

$10,000 in 1989

  • Term: 12 Months

For a faculty development planning grant

$180,000 in 1987

  • Term: 36 Months

To support continuation of its faculty development program

$350,000 in 1987

  • Term: 14 Months

For support of the current capital fund drive