Penumbra Theatre
18 Grants from 1991 - 2018
Grants received
Sponsorship of the Celebrate Black History with Penumbra event series
Support to build the capacity of theatres by, for and about communities of color in the Twin Cities, to address challenges and opportunities of diversification in the contemporary theatre landscape
Sponsorship of Let's Talk: My America
Bush funding will be used for general operating through the Regional Arts Development Program II to increase artistic excellence, community engagement, and sustainability of one of the country's leading African American theaters that focuses on art for social change
Increased artistic excellence, engagement, and sustainability of one of the country's leading African American theaters that focuses on art for social change, through admission to Regional Arts Development Program II (RADP II)
For continued operating support through the Regional Arts Development Program I
For continued operating support through the Regional Arts Development Program I
For development of a business plan as a part of the organizational effectiveness component of the Regional Arts Development Program
For continued operating support through the Regional Arts Development Program
For continued operating support through the Regional Arts Development Program
For renewed operating support through the Regional Arts Development Program
For renewed operating support for one year through the Regional Arts Development Program
For operating support through the Regional Arts Development Program
For operating support through the Regional Arts Development Program
For operating support through the Regional Arts Development Program
Toward long-range planning
For continued operating support during Penumbra Theater's transition to a separate nonprofit organization
For continued operating support during the Theatre's transition to an independent nonprofit organization