North Dakota State University

34 Grants from 1987 - 2023

  • Total Amount Received: $6,705,884
  • Location: Fargo, ND

North Dakota State University operates North Dakota Compass, a research project used by leaders across sectors and throughout the state to make data-informed decisions as they plan for the future. Their work provides objective, nonpartisan data collection and analysis, data-literacy education and expert research support. Ecosystem grants provide general operating support for organizations that support others to solve problems in their communities.

Grants received

$460,000 in 2023

  • Program: Ecosystem
  • Term: 36 Months

North Dakota State University operates North Dakota Compass, a research project used by leaders across sectors and throughout the state to make data-informed decisions as they plan for the future. Their work provides objective, nonpartisan data collection and analysis, data-literacy education and expert research support. Ecosystem grants provide general operating support for organizations that support others to solve problems in their communities.

$460,000 in 2023

  • Program: Ecosystem
  • Term: 36 Months

North Dakota State University Extension provides education opportunities for adults in North Dakota. Their programs include: Lead Local, a one-day training for aspiring, elected and appointed leaders serving on boards, councils and committees; Rural Leadership North Dakota; and the Extension Soil and Water Conservation Leadership Academy. Ecosystem grants provide general operating support for organizations that support others to solve problems in their communities.

$375,000 in 2020

  • Term: 47 Months

North Dakota Compass to provide a common foundation of data and indicators to help community members identify, understand and act on issues that affect North Dakota communities

$310,000 in 2020

  • Program: Ecosystem
  • Term: 36 Months

This Ecosystem Grant provides general operating support for North Dakota State University Extension's leadership work

$205,000 in 2018

  • Program: Ecosystem
  • Term: 24 Months

This Ecosystem Grant provides general operating support for North Dakota State University Extension's leadership work

$10,000 in 2018

  • Term: 14 Months

Sponsorship of the North Dakota State University Extension's Energizing Entrepreneurs ND event series

$600,000 in 2018

  • Term: 29 Months

The 14 Network for Excellence in Teaching (NExT) institutions are prototyping mechanisms for understanding the effectiveness of their graduates in the field and furthering their individual and collaborative measurement and improvement practices

$10,000 in 2018

  • Term: 17 Months

Sponsorship of Critical Conversations

$375,000 in 2017

  • Term: 50 Months

North Dakota Compass to provide a common foundation of data and indicators to help community members identify, understand and act on issues that affect North Dakota communities

$100,000 in 2016

  • Term: 14 Months

North Dakota Compass to provide a common foundation of data and indicators to help community members identify, understand and act on issues

$200,000 in 2016

  • Program: Ecosystem
  • Term: 23 Months

This Ecosystem Grant provides general operating support for North Dakota State University Extension's leadership work

$2,100 in 2016

  • Term: 4 Months

Sponsorship of North Dakota’s First-Ever Demographics Conference

$15,000 in 2016

  • Term: 4 Months

Sponsorship of Igniting Legendary Leaders statewide leadership conference

$759,911 in 2015

  • Term: 50 Months

Support the ongoing use of the TEI-Common Metrics by funding: A) the management of the collaboration and intercampus processes; B) the cost for continuing data gathering and use of the Common Metrics in ways that embed this practice beyond the grant term

$20,000 in 2015

  • Term: 47 Months

For development and maintenance of North Dakota small area data through North Dakota Compass

$193,134 in 2015

  • Term: 37 Months

To engage communities in identifying factors contributing to high youth dropout and unemployment rates

$10,000 in 2015

  • Term: 6 Months

Identify, recruit, engage and support a cohort of 15 leaders from the RSVP+ North Dakota network to attend bushCONNECT on May 4, 2015

$18,222 in 2015

  • Term: 12 Months

Identify, recruit, engage and support a cohort of 15 leaders to attend bushCONNECT on May 4, 2015

$10,000 in 2015

  • Term: 6 Months

Identify, recruit, engage and support a cohort of 20 leaders from the RSVP+/ServeYES! North Dakota network to attend bushCONNECT on May 9, 2016

$17,955 in 2014

  • Term: 12 Months

Recruit and provide support to attendees of bushCONNECT on May 12, 2014

$50,000 in 2014

  • Term: 31 Months

To invite Theatre Department students and faculty to artist-facilitated, problem-solving 'Common Ground Conversations' with civic leaders and organizers, using the performing arts to engage with communities around social and environmental problems

$375,000 in 2013

  • Term: 61 Months

North Dakota Compass to provide a common foundation of data and indicators to help community members identify, understand and act on issues that affect North Dakota communities

$50,000 in 2011

  • Term: 15 Months

To increase awareness of the Bush Fellowship Program throughout the state of North Dakota

$2,700 in 2011

  • Term: 3 Months

Attendance at the national Convening on Clinical Practice on November 14-15, 2011 in Washington, D.C.

$109,996 in 2010

  • Term: 8 Months

Conduct up to twenty sessions in North Dakota communities where participants will learn about North Dakota data, increase connections to other citizens, generate ideas to address tough problems, and influence decisions in their state and communities

$450,000 in 2002

  • Term: 59 Months

To improve student learning and graduation rates by increasing the use of active learning strategies

$450,000 in 1999

  • Term: 43 Months

To develop faculty skills in problem-based learning, in assessing student learning, and to develop an honors program

$19,000 in 1998

  • Term: 16 Months

To plan programs to improve faculty use of non traditional teaching methods, to establish an honors college and to assess student learning

$30,000 in 1998

  • Term: 24 Months

For transitional operating support for KDSU radio

$299,510 in 1994

  • Term: 40 Months

For renewal for the faculty development program

$300,000 in 1991

  • Term: 40 Months

For a faculty development program

$10,000 in 1990

  • Term: 12 Months

For a faculty development planning grant

$218,004 in 1989

  • Term: 46 Months

For a faculty exchange program between public universities and tribally controlled colleges in North Dakota

$190,352 in 1987

  • Term: 38 Months

to help start a program to train family therapists