Dakota Resources
16 Grants from 2012 - 2023
Grants received
Dakota Resources is a capacity provider that primarily supports small, rural communities in South Dakota. They operate a variety of programs to support community development in towns across the state, including providing financial support, training, technical assistance and supporting leadership networks. Ecosystem grants provide general operating support for organizations that support others to solve problems in their communities.
This grant will fund start-up activities of the newly organized South Dakota Nonprofit Network, a sponsored organization of Dakota Resources. The work will strengthen the ability of nonprofits across South Dakota to connect and share resources and knowledge across the sector in a state that has been without a formal organization for almost 10 years.
A 10-year program-related investment to support small businesses, primarily in South Dakota
This Ecosystem Grant provides general operating support for Dakota Resources to help advance its charitable mission
Identify, recruit, engage and support a cohort of 20 leaders to attend bushCONNECT 2020
Sponsorship of RuralX
This Ecosystem Grant provides general operating support for Dakota Resources to help advance its charitable mission
Sponsorship of RuralX
Sponsorship of RuralX 2017
This Ecosystem Grant provides general operating support for Dakota Resources to help advance its charitable mission
Sponsorship of the 2016 Dakota Rising Annual Conference
Sponsorship of the RuralX Summit
Dakota Rising Conference and Home Address Gathering
Dakota Rising Team-Based Community Leadership pilot
Coordinate the South Dakota Regional Systems Engagement Pilot
Create a learning network that connects housing organizations in a web-based learning community