Community Action Partnership of Ramsey and Washington Counties

4 Grants from 1986 - 2002

  • Total Amount Received: $465,000
  • Location: Saint Paul, MN

To continue the implementation and evaluation of the Family Assets for Independence in Minnesota (FAIM) pilot project

Grants received

$150,000 in 2002

  • Term: 23 Months

To continue the implementation and evaluation of the Family Assets for Independence in Minnesota (FAIM) pilot project

$200,000 in 1999

  • Term: 23 Months

Toward a demonstration project to help low-income families learn to save money

$100,000 in 1996

  • Term: 15 Months

To purchase and renovate a building

$15,000 in 1986

  • Term: 10 Months

To support the SHARE program