College of Saint Benedict

6 Grants from 1992 - 2007

  • Total Amount Received: $2,937,000
  • Location: Saint Joseph, MN

For an unrestricted endowment matching grant

Grants received

$1,000,000 in 2007

  • Term: 39 Months

For an unrestricted endowment matching grant

$450,000 in 2002

  • Term: 45 Months

To continue the Learning Communities Program and to change institutional procedures to incorporate the communities into college protocols for workload, rewards, and curriculum change

$450,000 in 1999

  • Term: 43 Months

To integrate student learning inside and outside the classroom

$20,000 in 1997

  • Term: 12 Months

To integrate in-class and out-of-class learning

$525,000 in 1995

  • Term: 12 Months

Toward a matching capital grant

$492,000 in 1992

  • Term: 10 Months

For a capital challenge grant