Chrysalis Center

5 Grants from 1986 - 2004

  • Total Amount Received: $532,000
  • Location: Minneapolis, MN

To start a new program that treats women with the co-occurring disorders of mental illness and chemical dependency

Grants received

$60,000 in 2004

  • Term: 24 Months

To start a new program that treats women with the co-occurring disorders of mental illness and chemical dependency

$410,000 in 2000

  • Term: 12 Months

Toward purchase and construction of a building to improve services for women and their children

$14,000 in 1995

  • Term: 12 Months

Toward capital improvements for a women's shelter

$30,000 in 1990

  • Term: 12 Months

To support costs of relocation of its headquarters

$18,000 in 1986

  • Term: 10 Months

To purchase equipment which will improve Chrysalis' data management capacity