Children’s Defense Fund-Minnesota

9 Grants from 1987 - 2012

  • Total Amount Received: $1,423,592
  • Location: Saint Paul, MN

To complete the proposal sourcing efforts for an early childhood intervention program and document lessons learned

Grants received

$25,000 in 2012

  • Term: 5 Months

To complete the proposal sourcing efforts for an early childhood intervention program and document lessons learned

$25,000 in 2011

  • Term: 7 Months

To solicit proposals from counties to perform a comprehensive child welfare field test. This test will aim to improve outcomes and save money. It will attempt to both identify and actually capture for repayment the savings generated by prevention efforts.

$480,000 in 2008

  • Term: 24 Months

To assist working families to apply for work support programs for which they are eligible in Minnesota, North Dakota, and South Dakota

$210,000 in 2005

  • Term: 24 Months

To expand the Tax and Benefit Outreach initiative in Greater Minnesota

$186,892 in 2002

  • Term: 35 Months

Toward a multi-year campaign to enroll eligible children and adults in state health programs

$172,700 in 1999

  • Term: 37 Months

To educate parents about Minnesota Care and Medicaid and to enroll children who are eligible for these programs

$75,000 in 1996

  • Term: 38 Months

To support the programs of the Minnesota office

$110,000 in 1992

  • Term: 36 Months

To support public information activities in Minnesota

$139,000 in 1987

  • Term: 34 Months

To support an office in Minnesota to study state policies which affect low-income children