Amherst H. Wilder Foundation
46 Grants from 1998 - 2025
Grants received
As part of the Ecosystem Grant program, current Ecosystem grantees may request additional funding for extraordinary opportunities to support problem solvers in the region. Amherst H. Wilder Foundation, through the Minnesota Compass project, will convene Health Topic Advisory Group meetings to address systemic vulnerabilities and reshape healthcare priorities brought to light by the COVID-19 pandemic. This work will help redefine health priorities and quality-of-life indicators in Minnesota.
Amherst H. Wilder Foundation (Wilder) operates Minnesota Compass, a research project used by organizations and leaders to make data-informed decisions on issues that affect the quality of life for all Minnesotans; and the Community Equity Program, which is increasing Black, Indigenous and people of color representation in Minnesota’s legislative policy decisions. Ecosystem grants provide general operating support for organizations that support others to solve problems in their communities.
Partnership work in support of data gathering for the 'Who Leads' project.
Support for ongoing updating and maintenance of MN Compass broadly, including the Racial Equity and Leadership Programs Resource Directories. MN Compass is led by Wilder Research which is an independent research unit of the Amherst H. Wilder Foundation. Wilder Research works with nonprofits, foundations, and government entities to inform decisions and improve lives.
For additional partner support related to the Leadership Scan
Leadership Development Resource Directory
Phase 2: Leadership Environment Scan
This Ecosystem Grant provides general operating support for Amherst H. Wilder Foundation to help advance its charitable mission
To provide support for Minnesota Compass and the Racial Equity Resource Directory
Leadership Environmental Scan
Continuing evaluation of Leadership Programs
To act as a “dashboard and data analysis partner” for the evaluation of the Community Innovation programs
To continue the creation and implementation of an evaluation plan for the Community Innovation Grant and Bush Prize programs
Continuing evaluation of Leadership Programs
Continuing evaluation of Leadership Programs
To continue the creation and implementation of an evaluation plan for the Community Innovation Grant and Bush Prize programs
To continue analysis of the characteristics of problem-solving, organizational culture and leadership that led to successful innovations among Bush Prize winners
This Ecosystem Grant provides general operating support for Amherst H. Wilder Foundation's leadership work
To provide support for Minnesota Compass and Greater Minnesota City Profiles
To continue the creation and implementation of an evaluation plan for the Community Innovation Grant and Bush Prize programs
To continue the leadership evaluation for Bush Fellows Program, Leadership Network Grants and Ron McKinley Philanthropy Fellows
To expand services of the Saint Paul Promise Neighborhood to include Benjamin E. Mays Elementary School and through bolstering its services at existing partner schools
Identify, recruit, engage and support a cohort of 20 leaders to attend bushCONNECT on May 9, 2016
Develop and present the session 'Music as Metaphor: Leadership Lessons from Ensemble Music' three times at bushCONNECT on May 9, 2016
In recognition of receiving a 2014 Education Ecosystem Grant, this funding will advance the work with the Saint Paul Promise Neighborhood
To continue the creation and implementation of an evaluation plan for the Community Innovation grant and Bush Prize programs
Leadership evaluation implementation for Bush Fellows Program, Leadership Network Grants and MCF Philanthropy Fellows
Additional evaluation work on a documentation of key lessons and challenges of the Native Nations program
Wilder Center for Communities Leadership Network Pipeline
To create an evaluation plan for the Community Innovation grant and Bush Prize programs
To create an evaluation plan for the Bush Leadership Programs
To complete a documentation of key lessons and challenges of the Native Nations program
Support the statewide and reservation homeless surveys in 2012
Develop more localized data resources in Minnesota Compass for rural areas, small towns and Indian Reservations
Continued support of Minnesota Compass
Four InCommons gatherings to share research on Community Connectedness in conjunction with the Blue Cross Blue Shield Community Connectedness Challenge
To contribute to the public understanding of obesity through educational videos to be hosted on InCommons See Amendment to Grant Agreement dated 1/5/2011 regarding revisions to video presentation project outputs.
Development and implementation of a Minnesota Compass-style project in South Dakota
Development and implementation of a Minnesota Compass-style project in North Dakota
Continue to operate Twin Cities Compass and complete planning phase for the expansion of the Compass model to North Dakota and South Dakota
Support website development of Minnesota Compass
For the Twin Cities Tomorrow indicators initiative
Toward the Second Century Capital Campaign for a new Wilder Center
For continuing support (Phase II) of Achievement Plus, a school reform effort to increase academic achievement in Saint Paul public schools
To expand capacity to treat Reactive Attachment Disorder in children
Toward development and evaluation of a comprehensive school reform project that integrates educational and social services