Northside Achievement Zone Case Study
Through a partnership with Pollen Midwest, we created a case study to learn how Northside Achievement Zone works to end multi-generational poverty in the 13-by-18 block area that constitutes North Minneapolis.
Excerpt from the Case Study
Northside Achievement Zone (NAZ) thrives by focusing on collaboration and results, not individual programs. They operate with a mindset focused on growth as defined by the needs of individual families, and use data to measure success and drive further innovation.
One Community, Indivisible
Collaboration is a core tenet of NAZ’s work — with 43 partner organizations in their network, 30 NAZ staff co-located at many of those organizations, and coaches working directly out of schools and early childhood centers. NAZ also prioritizes finding staff that have roots in the community and drawing on their lived experience.
Data That Drives Results
Whenever NAZ or a partner organization works with a family, they collect data on which strategies are effective and which aren’t. They use that data to continually refine their best practices for similar situations. If a particular solution doesn’t work as well as planned, NAZ’s evaluation teams analyze the data and brainstorm new solutions.