Meet the 2020 Bush Fellows
Introducing the visionary leaders who are shaping a better future for their communities.
June 8, 2020

Introducing the 2020 Bush Fellows, 24 visionary leaders who are thinking big about how to solve problems and shape a better future for their communities. The 24 Fellows hail from Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and the 23 Native nations that share the same geography.
The Bush Fellowship is an investment in individual leaders. It provides Fellows with up to $100,000 over 12 to 24 months to pursue formal and informal learning experiences that help them develop the skills, attributes and relationships they need to become more effective, equitable leaders who can drive change in their communities and region as a whole. The Fellowship is distinctive in its flexibility, allowing Fellows to articulate what they need to become more effective and agile leaders. Fellows can use the funding to pursue advanced education, networking opportunities, and leadership resources, workshops and trainings.
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Opportunity to work with us
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Staff note: Coordinating the work of our contact hub
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