Minnesota Education Equity Partnership
12 Grants from 1996 - 2023
Minnesota Education Equity Partnership (MNEEP) works to improve outcomes for both students of color and Indigenous students. They provide several capacity-building programs and tools, advocate for policy issues at the state and local levels and are a go-to support organization for others wanting to improve education equity. Ecosystem grants provide general operating support for organizations that support others to solve problems in their communities.
Grants received
Minnesota Education Equity Partnership (MNEEP) works to improve outcomes for both students of color and Indigenous students. They provide several capacity-building programs and tools, advocate for policy issues at the state and local levels and are a go-to support organization for others wanting to improve education equity. Ecosystem grants provide general operating support for organizations that support others to solve problems in their communities.
This Ecosystem Grant provides general operating support for Minnesota Education Equity Partnership to help advance its charitable mission
This Ecosystem Grant provides general operating support to the Minnesota Education Equity Partnership to help advance its charitable mission
Sponsorship of Developing the Next Level of Will and Skill: a Symposium on Race Equity for MN E-12 School Superintendents
Recognition for leadership, time and commitment to learning and spreading best practices on individualized learning
Sponsorship of People of Color and American Indians on Closing Equity Gaps in Minnesota’s PK-12 Schools and Teacher Preparation Programs
This Ecosystem Grant provides general operating support for Minnesota Education Equity Partnership to help advance its charitable mission
A convening of Bush Foundation Education Ecosystem grantees to discuss leveraging resources to advance race equity in education
To conduct a 'Race Equity and Excellence in Education Action Planning' process with the goal of identifying specific strategies to address race equity in education
Sponsorship of the Minnesota Education Equity Partnership's 2016 Summit for Current and Aspiring Teachers of Color and American Indian Teachers in Minnesota
In recognition of receiving a 2014 Education Ecosystem Grant, this funding will advance the organization's work in education
Toward a school-community involvement project