Fellow Learning Log
Valeriah Rose Big Eagle Log 3
July 14, 2020
What I have learned in my leadership is that I must remain flexible so that I do not inhibit myself from growing my leadership capacity by sticking to a plan I thought was best for me. What I learned working in higher education and volunteering in K-12 education is that both of these systems have decision-makers that determine how these systems operate. In my original fellowship plan, I wanted to become a university president inflicting positive change and advocating for marginalized student populations. What I discovered is that politics play a major role in higher education. An entire body of students and their voices are oppressed by decision-makers whose values conflict with diversity equity and inclusion. In my state, the Board of Regents is appointed by the governor. Some of these members of the Board of Regents may not value education as much as those individuals working at the educational level. I have come to the realization that for me to have the greatest impact as a leader I must advocate for change at a higher level above them. Over the past few months, I had an epiphany of running for public office and advocating for systemic change across the nation in Washington DC. The spiritual awakening is what my ancestors have been guiding me to do. What I have learned is that leadership is not stagnant it is fluid and leaders must be able to adapt to change. Transformational leaders must be strategic in how to determine the best course of action to make real change happen. My next journey is learning how to prepare to run for public office after the conclusion of my Bush fellowship. Thinking more critically about my own leadership in the impact I have on others has allowed me to truly be cognizant of how I lead and the impact of my own actions. I have a reputation to protect, and I am cognizant that others hold me at a higher level of respect which I must uphold. I am intentional about who I surround myself with and who I let into my inner circle. Surrounding myself with like-minded individuals propels my own leadership and advocacy efforts. These individuals also play a major role in my self-care as I can be myself around them. In leadership self-care is vital. Leaders take so much time and put so much effort and energy into leading that we often forget about ourselves along the way. My unci knows when I am not taking care of myself as I start to get very sick, which happened this past month. I was sick for nearly three weeks because my body was telling me to stop what I was doing and to rest. our bodies, minds, hearts, and spirits all need rest and healing so that we can be our best selves. To be the best leader I can be, I must remember to take care of myself.