Grantee Learning Log
Three Affiliated Tribes CI Report – Interim
February 26, 2019
What has been most instrumental to your progress?
To meet with three segments New Town, Parshall, and Twin Buttes to organize the steering committees and collect information so we can unite MHA Nation community segments in Fort Berthold Reservation and help them overcome isolation and work with County and regional resources. Second, we can move to the first community meeting and discuss the purpose of the grant to each Segment Representative and help them understand the full concept of what is to be expected for the next year involving their segments. We did meet with North Segment-New Town, NE Segment-Parshall, and South Segment-Twin Buttes. The steering committees are in place except for Twin Buttes and we are moving forward in achieving the deadline but due to the COVID 19 we are currently working via email and telephone. North Segment-New Town has a draft already in place and waiting for the letter addressing the community and the photo that will be placed for the Representative Monica Mayer. The NE Segment-Parshall has a draft also and we have collected the information for their prioritized projects as well. The steering committees have also included county and regional resources also.
To unite the MHA Nation with county and regional in the areas to help the Six segments receive the necessary strategies and resources to develop strategies on how each segment can best meet its community needs. The Mountrail JDA has been included on the steering committee to help local business on the Fort Berthold Reservation for business opportunity assistance for tribal members and non natives also. We are continuing to work together in collaborate with key groups interested in solutions than can be created to unify the six segments and collecting the necessary data and information to complete our process for the plan for the three segments we have selected and the reason for that was because New Town and Parshall have City Councils and Twin Buttes is on the economic development committee. We met with the three community boards to discuss the scope of work for the grant and gave a timeline to which we use when we meet and we are behind schedule due to the Covid 19 but still making phone calls and via emails. We are trying to set up zoom which is a internet tool which we think can benefit this grant in helping us move forward.
Capacity building (or capacity development) is important to the MHA Nation because it is the process by which individuals and organizations obtain, improve, and retain the skills, knowledge, tools, equipment, and other resources needed to do their jobs competently. This is why we are working hard to unite the MHA Nation with county and regional resources to help them represent their communities but also to do their jobs competently with as much resources that they can. The primary objective is to support the formation of a planning committee in each segment and to engage with each segment and stakeholders to develop long range planning capacity through leveraging resources and cooperative planning activities. Also, for all six segments have the ability to put a community plan into action and need to evaluate each segments assets, challenges, vision, capacity to help each segment reach their vision and potential for community members and to have a clear and vivid vision for the future of each six segments.
Key lessons learned
That all six segments located within the Fort Berthold Reservation are all working for their community members to make sure that their needs are provided for and the resources that they have in each of the segments. The positive note is New Town and Parshall segments are both working with their city council in projects for their members and for the economic development which is crucial in housing and local business’. All segments have community meetings and we were able to get on the agenda easily and when we met with the segments the meetings were very informative and community boards were able to assist in the input for the bush grant to help reach our goals and plans for all six of the segments that is in progress at this time. We discussed the purpose and scope of the grant to support planning capacity building and development of coordinated planning activities to further community based initiatives. The failure that has come upon is the COVID 19which is making us limited to social distancing and limited staffing for the MHA Nation and we have requested an extension at this time.
The North Segment-New Town draft is done and this included the purpose of the project which is to support North Segment initiatives to achieve successful outcomes and to have alignment between MHA Planning & Grants Department and resources with North Segment resources and initiatives regarding planning. Also, the formation of North Segment Planning Committee to lead and guide this process for the grant. North Segment organizes its vision, goals, and needs for their community and identifies the problems and recommends solutions and provides a rationale for assigning priorities and making investments. North Segments plan helps to coordinate activities of the tribe for development and with adjacent counties and the with the state. Provides road maps for the future of MHA Nation and serves as a baseline for future federal, state, and private foundations funding for capital improvements and strategic initiatives.
Reflections on inclusive, collaborative or resourceful problem-solving
I would have to say collaborative because this is a working practice whereby individuals continue to work together for a common purpose to achieve business benefits and we are building relationships with MHA Nation with tribal, county, city, state and federal. Also, to identify and develop an active and engaged steering committee to provide input and encourage community participation in the planning process. To understand current activities and challenges with other organizations and stakeholders Identify the issues that need to be addressed on a regional level, Tribal Level, or Segment Level and identify economic and quality of life opportunities for each of the six segments. Collaborate and engage the steering committee in identifying regional-local challenges (SWOT Analysis) and each of the six segments capacity to carry out their plans and processes.
Other key elements of Community Innovation
Identifying the community values, hopes for their future, and the challenges within each of the six segments and the clear understanding of how challenges affect the Tribe and Segment and the identification of challenges that can be positively impacted by additional capacity building. The deeper insight into the opportunities and the challenges of living and doing business in each segment which is to identify areas of alignment, potential collaboration and capacity for implementing each of the segments plan.
Understanding the problem
To unify an engage communities for all six segments of the Fort Berthold Reservation in open discussions with the community board and members to develop strategies on how each of their segments can best meet all of their community needs. So they can have better understanding for more possibilities for their future action that each segment would like to go. To have the potential innovation to create a their new ideas, creative thoughts, and new imaginations or method for their community segments. To have a solution that is suited for their needs for their segment and bridge the gap that is identified in each of the six segments by assessing the feasibility for ferry, bridges, pipelines, and electrical conenctions or other methods to help bring the six communities or segments together.
If you could do it all over again…
To understand the Tribal Business Council work schedule along with their segment boards because the initial meeting was a process in setting up the meetings with the Tribal Business Council representative due to they are very busy with their schedules. The process for the community meetings was also a task and had to go to board to get on the agenda and have to wait for dates and be able to get the meeting documents ready. The learning process was essential because now we know what we need to do and what is expected when we have community meetings with the segments is to be prepared and do at least a month ahead to have time to get on agenda for the Tribal Representatives and also the Community meetings. The meetings were informative and enjoyed meeting with the board members and seeing what kind of projects were being done at the present time and also for the future for the segments.
One last thought
I have enjoyed working with Tribal Business Council, City, County, and Regional for this grant and have gained knowledge on the relationship between them and also learning that we can work together and unite as a whole. Been interesting in meeting the Tribal community boards and community members and working with them on helping them reach their goals and needs for each of the six segments. Working in completing the plans and finding resources for tribal nation and bringing them altogether for funding or resources for one another to help meet their goals and objectives.