Fellow Learning Log

Terry L Austin Log 2


May 8, 2017

What stands out the most for me regarding my leadership abilities are others see me has a effective leader than I view myself. My willingness to face the fact that I’m wrong and weak in certain areas on my life is not a sign of weakness. I’ve had the learn to Face it ,No one is perfect, and everyone has made a mistake or two in their lives. The most successful leaders know that the key to success is not in avoiding falling or failing, but to learn from their mistakes. As a strong leader, one must be willing also be able to communicate their weaknesses to others or family members, so that you and those around can help assist you where you need help or resources. While working with my leadership coach I learned that leadership is Personal, personal accountability is essential to becoming a successful leader. There are certain areas of my life where strong leadership and accountability was a strength of mine, such as my ability to motivate others, having a positive attitude, and strong sense of passion and purpose. Areas of Improvement were growth were communication, being able to clearly and specifically communicate your vision, goals, skills, intentions, and expectations to others. This included my ability to listen to what other people are consciously or unconsciously communicating to me. I must admit I was a poor listener. Also my unwillingness to Continue to educate and improve myself was lacking. My leadership coach taught me that great leaders demonstrate effective leadership skills, but most importantly, continue to improve themselves in every possible way. The person who thinks he is an expert or great, has a lot more to learn. You must Never stop learning. Be receptive to everyone’s perceptions and information from around the world and beyond. Always grow and learn.

What I developed since my fellowship is a plan of action on personal leadership development:

1. Maintaining a Positive Attitude at all times
2. Better Result journal ( daily)
3. I meet with my leadership coach monthly
4. Videos /books on leadership are now part of my weekend schedule
5. My choices are made in accordance with your morals and values

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