D.A. Bullock Log 3
Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 22, 2017
My ideas, my vision of what a real grassroots coalition looks like has changed and grown drastically. I’ve realized that without a significant mixture of…
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Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 22, 2017
My ideas, my vision of what a real grassroots coalition looks like has changed and grown drastically. I’ve realized that without a significant mixture of…
Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 22, 2017
I would tell a new fellow, once you release yourself from all those chains, all the ties that have bound you; you are in for…
Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 22, 2017
What stands out to me? What has surprised me? What was I not prepared to encounter, or what came at me from a different angle?…
Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 22, 2017
When you are on your path, the world conspires to help you. -Paulo Coelho The past twelve months have put me on a path that…
Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 22, 2017
When you are on your path, the world conspires to help you. -Paulo Coelho The past six months have put me on a path that…
Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 22, 2017
I keep pulling it out – the old map of my inner path. I squint closely at it, trying to see some hidden road that…
Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 22, 2017
When you are on your path, the world conspires to help you. -Paulo Coelho The past eighteen months have put me on a path that…
Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 22, 2017
What an impossible task this last prompt has set up for me! This journey has been saturated with amazing moments, moments of clarity, moments of…
Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 22, 2017
One of the things that has shifted the most for me is that I have let go of a work identity that was concentrated on…
Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 22, 2017
The Fellowship has taken me to places I never expected to go, even with all the planning and re-planning we were encouraged to do during…