
Get inspired and connected! Find all the learnings from staff, grantees, Fellows and more.

  • Nevada Rose Littlewolf Log 3

    Learning Fellow Learning Log

    November 2, 2017

    How has my understanding of leadership changed through my Fellowship to date? I have worked in developing my own leadership capacity at different stages in…

  • Tami Sue Jollie-Trottier Log 3

    Learning Fellow Learning Log

    November 2, 2017

    How has your understanding of your leadership changed through the Fellowship to date? My personal views, opinions, and beliefs about my leadership role have dramatically…

  • Lorrie Janatopoulos Log 3

    Learning Fellow Learning Log

    November 2, 2017

    How has my understanding of my own leadership changed through the Fellowship to date? I left my job to pursue a new path as an…

  • Julie Ann Garreau Log 3

    Learning Fellow Learning Log

    November 2, 2017

    My Bush Fellowship has enhanced my understanding of, and deepened my appreciation for, leadership in Lakota society. Traditionally, Lakota leaders were selected for their ability…

  • Susan Marie Beaulieu Log 3

    Learning Fellow Learning Log

    November 1, 2017

    Over the course of my Fellowship, one of the important realizations I’ve had about my leadership is that it too, like my life in general,…

  • Strengthen ND CI Report - Final

    Learning Grantee Learning Log

    November 1, 2017

    What has been most instrumenta to your progress? Developing and strengthening partnerships in the local foods sector to support strategy development at TRIC has been…

  • Strengthen ND CI Report - Interim

    Learning Grantee Learning Log

    November 1, 2017

    What has been most instrumental to your progress? One of the specific activities that pushed forward this project at the Tuttle Rural Innovation Center is…

  • Seward Redesign Inc CI Report - Interim

    Learning Grantee Learning Log

    October 30, 2017

    What has been most instrumental to your progress? Seward Redesign organized and facilitated twelve Management Committee meetings attended by staff from the Minnesota Department of…

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