Carmeann Daisy Foster Log 4
Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 2, 2018
The backdrop of my life has been a consistent feeling of inadequacy… A constant worry that I wasn’t doing enough, or wasn’t doing things correctly.…
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Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 2, 2018
The backdrop of my life has been a consistent feeling of inadequacy… A constant worry that I wasn’t doing enough, or wasn’t doing things correctly.…
Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 2, 2018
Think Big and Think Different’ is the phrase that resonated and stuck with me throughout my fellowship journey. I believe the pursuit of these two…
Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 2, 2018
Since the beginning of my fellowship, it has been an amazing journey both of my work and my spiritual journey. The fellowship gave me time…
Learning Grantee Learning Log
May 2, 2018
What has been most instrumental to your progress? In its original application, Lower Phalen Creek Project identified a goal of defining, managing, and supporting organizational…
Learning Grantee Learning Log
May 2, 2018
What has been most instrumenta to your progress? The one of the most important activities during the course of this project that created success was…
Learning Grantee Learning Log
May 2, 2018
What has been most instrumental to your progress? Aspects: our team dialogues are underway, foreseeable needs were identified, common language was identified, support networks continue,…
Learning Grantee Learning Log
May 2, 2018
What has been most instrumenta to your progress? The Round Tables served the Team very well as it was a creative tool to initiate challenging,…
Learning Grantee Learning Log
May 2, 2018
What has been most instrumental to your progress? Our Endazhi Team had a goal during Year 2 of this grant to coordinate six Cross-cultural Round…
Learning Grantee Learning Log
May 2, 2018
What has been most instrumental to your progress? We conducted listening post in each community in which community leaders were invited to provide input on…
Learning Grantee Learning Log
May 2, 2018
What has been most instrumenta to your progress? As part of the first strategy in the community innovation process, ‘increasing collective understanding’, we created Listening…