
Get inspired and connected! Find all the learnings from staff, grantees, Fellows and more.

  • Neda Renee Kellogg Log 4

    Learning Fellow Learning Log

    May 18, 2018

    This journey with my Bush Fellowship has been profound for me. I have been crediting my shift emotionally, financially and socially to my opportunity to…

  • Yuko Taniguchi Log 4

    Learning Fellow Learning Log

    May 16, 2018

    I write this final reflection from a place of gratitude. Throughout the Fellowship, I have contemplated on the reception of the Fellowship itself. I felt…

  • Yuri Rafael Nakasato Log 4

    Learning Fellow Learning Log

    May 2, 2018

    Life appeared very confusing the very moment I became a Bush Fellow. There were more barriers to change the world than I expected. And possibly,…

  • Terry L Austin Log 4

    Learning Fellow Learning Log

    May 2, 2018

    My reflection on my fellowship was a Life changing experience, socially, academically, politically, and economically. The things I wish I could have known when I…

  • Tami Sue Jollie-Trottier Log 4

    Learning Fellow Learning Log

    May 2, 2018

    As my fellowship journey comes to an end, I feel that I’ve grown in so many unexpected ways. I’m happy that I had no idea…

  • Nevada Rose Littlewolf Log 4

    Learning Fellow Learning Log

    May 2, 2018

    It’s hard to believe this two-plus years of the Bush Fellow’s journey is coming to a close. I know that all I have experienced, learned…

  • Martin Wera Log 4

    Learning Fellow Learning Log

    May 2, 2018

    I started my application for the Bush Fellowship with a quote from my dad and used it in my first learning log too. So, it…

  • Lorrie Janatopoulos Log 4

    Learning Fellow Learning Log

    May 2, 2018

    As this part of my Bush Fellowship journey comes to a close, I re-read all of my monthly reflections, and my learning logs from the…

  • Julie Ann Garreau Log 4

    Learning Fellow Learning Log

    May 2, 2018

    To be honest, I have mixed emotions as I reflect on my Fellowship journey. Of course, I am as honored as I was the day…

  • David G. Smiglewski Log 4

    Learning Fellow Learning Log

    May 2, 2018

    I have spent a fair amount of time reflecting on what it means to be a Bush Fellow and how this has affected my life.…

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