Amanda Grace LaGrange Log 2
Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 22, 2018
During the interview process, I was asked how I hoped to describe my leadership style at the end of the Fellowship. I responded “confidently vulnerable.”…
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Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 22, 2018
During the interview process, I was asked how I hoped to describe my leadership style at the end of the Fellowship. I responded “confidently vulnerable.”…
Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 22, 2018
During a recent guided meditation, I was invited to let go of any idea of what the session was supposed to be like and simply…
Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 22, 2018
When I started my Fellowship journey, I was seeking a playbook with all the answers — answers to how to scale a social enterprise, how…
Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 22, 2018
My understanding of my own leadership through my Fellowship to date is indeed a mixed bag. I have explored and expanded many new areas of…
Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 22, 2018
What stands out and surprised me about my leadership development journey throughout my Fellowship to date is my ability to be resilient and hopeful, despite…
Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 22, 2018
BACKGROUND FOR MY LEADERSHIP JOURNEY My learning journey of leadership started long ago and is intertwined with my life’s journey, is currently defined, and shaped…
Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 22, 2018
Reflections on my Fellowship Journey: My Fellowship Overall was great, fulfilling, enhanced/enriched my leadership, perspectives, and will impact me positively for the rest of my…
Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 21, 2018
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And…
Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 21, 2018
Congratulations on becoming a Bush Fellow! Please take the time to take it all in – the congratulatory calls, texts, and emails – because you…
Learning Fellow Learning Log
May 21, 2018
When I embarked on this journey, I was clear that I wanted to redefine my time, reclaim my voice, and reinvigorate my impact. For the…