
Get inspired and connected! Find all the learnings from staff, grantees, Fellows and more.

  • John Patrick Davis Log 2

    Learning Fellow Learning Log

    May 22, 2018

    When I first embarked on my Bush Fellowship leadership journey I was not sure what to expect, even though I had very clear goals. One…

  • John Patrick Davis Log 4

    Learning Fellow Learning Log

    May 22, 2018

    There is a sense of shock and sadness that I feel now that my Bush Fellowship is coming to an end. It seems in many…

  • Joanna Ramirez Log 3

    Learning Fellow Learning Log

    May 22, 2018

    As a nonprofit leader, the experience of having a Bush Fellowship is unlike anything else. Typically, nonprofit organizations do not have the resources to invest…

  • Joanna Ramirez Log 1

    Learning Fellow Learning Log

    May 22, 2018

    I am so glad to have the fellowship framed in terms of a journey. What I would say to a new fellow is buckle up!…

  • Joanna Ramirez Log 4

    Learning Fellow Learning Log

    May 22, 2018

    Where do I go from here? My fellowship journey started with a question: “as a female leader, what do I want?” Not what needs to…

  • Joanna Ramirez Log 2

    Learning Fellow Learning Log

    May 22, 2018

    I am one year into my two year fellowship and what I did not anticipate was that my development as a leader would require a…

  • Jenn J Faul Log 1

    Learning Fellow Learning Log

    May 22, 2018

    Congratulations! By completing the written application and interview process, the Bush Foundation witnessed an element in you that they wanted to further inspire. By becoming…

  • Jenn J Faul Log 3

    Learning Fellow Learning Log

    May 22, 2018

    How has your understanding of your own leadership changed through the Fellowship to date? I believe I have moved from a high level manager to…

  • Jenn J Faul Log 2

    Learning Fellow Learning Log

    May 22, 2018

    So far, the issue that has surprised me the most is recognizing how I have been better able to remove myself from trying to do…

  • Jenn J Faul Log 4

    Learning Fellow Learning Log

    May 22, 2018

    John Dewey stated that it is not in the experience that we learn, it is in reflecting on the experience in which we learn.’ When…

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