
Get inspired and connected! Find all the learnings from staff, grantees, Fellows and more.

  • Note from Jen: Venturing out from our bases

    Learning Note from Jen

    November 13, 2018

    The Bush Foundation is nonpartisan. We do our work, however, in a partisan world. We recognize this in our focus on community problem solving. We recognize that solving problems in our communities requires working across political difference. And like working across any kind of difference, this requires truly understanding what we believe and why. Published 2018

  • World Savvy CI Report - Interim

    Learning Grantee Learning Log

    October 30, 2018

    What has been most instrumental to your progress? The buy-in and support from our school partners in Rochester and Faribault has been incredible and key…

  • World Savvy CI Report - Final

    Learning Grantee Learning Log

    October 30, 2018

    What has been most instrumenta to your progress? The buy-in and support from our school partners in Rochester and Faribault was incredible and key to…

  • Note from Jen: bushCONNECT + How change happens

    Learning Note from Jen

    October 25, 2018

    This year at bushCONNECT, I shared some thoughts on how change happens. I’ve done a lot of research the past couple of years on successful examples of social change. There are examples all around us all the time. We often don’t even notice them, much less learn from them. Published 2018

  • ThinkND CI Report - Interim

    Learning Grantee Learning Log

    October 5, 2018

    What has been most instrumental to your progress? Insights gained from extensive discussions with over 30 local stakeholders were instrumental to (a) identifying DSY as…

  • Note from Jen: Philanthropy that's better for everyone

    Learning Note from Jen

    September 18, 2018

    One of the challenges of making institutions and systems work better for everyone, is that the people who rise to leadership tend to be people who thrive in those environments. When an institution worked well for you, it is harder to see the ways it may not work for others. It is harder to see what needs to change to make it work well for everyone. Published 2018

  • Great Plains Food Bank CI Report - Interim

    Learning Grantee Learning Log

    September 4, 2018

    What has been most instrumental to your progress? Throughout the past year, two specific components of our work became essential. First and foremost, we had…

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