
Get inspired and connected! Find all the learnings from staff, grantees, Fellows and more.

  • South Dakota State University CI Report - Interim

    Learning Grantee Learning Log

    February 10, 2020

    What has been most instrumental to your progress? Relationships and connections in the community were vital to recruitment for both the first phase of focus…

  • South Dakota State University CI Report - Final

    Learning Grantee Learning Log

    February 10, 2020

    What has been most instrumenta to your progress? Community networking and involvement: these aspects were instrumental but also included significant challenges, which we share more…

  • Elli Haerter: How relationships further our impact


    January 24, 2020

    Relationships move at the speed of trust. Some of us have heard this phrase before; for those of us who live this phrase in our daily work, it’s a powerful truth. Since 2014, the Bush Foundation has partnered with Headwaters Foundation for Justice, South Dakota Community Foundation and The Consensus Council as intermediaries for our Community Innovation grant program, helping us reach further and have far more impact than we could alone.

  • Ramla Bile: An inside peek into Bush Prize selection


    January 24, 2020

    Bush Prize finalists come to life in the “due diligence” part of the selection process, which includes reference calls, a site visit to each finalist to meet with staff and partners, and a look at the organization’s financial picture. 

  • Anita Patel: Is now your time for the Bush Fellowship?


    January 16, 2020

    The question of timing when you apply for the Bush Fellowship falls into three main areas: space for your growth, knowledge and connections, and a deep understanding of what you need to grow as a leader.

  • Greater Minnesota Housing Fund CI Report - Final

    Learning Grantee Learning Log

    January 2, 2020

    What has been most instrumenta to your progress? The recruitment and identification of Regional Advisors was the most instrumental component of our work over the…

  • 2014 Learning Log


    December 22, 2019

    Full-Year Residency Program Graduates from Pilot to Statewide Effort

  • Note from Jen: Strategy push

    Learning Note from Jen

    December 10, 2019

    This year we’ve been asking ourselves big questions, focusing on how we can be more simple, more cohesive, and more open and responsive to the communities we serve. I think of it as a strategy push – pushing ourselves to do better.  Published 2019

  • Minnesota Council on Foundations CI Report - Final

    Learning Grantee Learning Log

    December 4, 2019

    What has been most instrumenta to your progress? Getting started early was essential to our success in convening the Minnesota Census Mobilization Partnership and achieving…

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