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171 - 180 of 1014 results
  • Tasks Unlimited CI Report - Interim

    Learning Grantee Learning Log

    September 14, 2020

    What has been most instrumental to your progress? Development Meetings and Collaboration As Envision Community moves closer to land acquisition—a major step in our growth…

  • Tasks Unlimited CI Report - Final

    Learning Grantee Learning Log

    September 14, 2020

    What has been most instrumenta to your progress? Research, assessment, and reflection—all leading toward future innovative action—were instrumental components this year. Through community engagement with…

  • Nhia Vang: Strategically sharing your story


    August 13, 2020

    How much do I share? How do I match my application with what the selection committee is looking for? These are two common questions we hear from Bush Fellowship applicants. If you’re looking for a cut-and-dry answer to tell you what to do, there isn’t one. While of course the Fellowship selection committees are guided by the selection criteria (track record, potential and plan) as they review applications, applying for a Bush Fellowship is a truly reflective and transformative inquiry process.

  • The Enitan Story CI Report - Interim

    Learning Grantee Learning Log

    August 11, 2020

    What has been most instrumental to your progress? Workgroups: We have two workgroups set up to help us develop and build strategic plans to implement…

  • The Enitan Story CI Report - Interim

    Learning Grantee Learning Log

    August 11, 2020

    What has been most instrumental to your progress? Workgroup: The two workgroups – Provider and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) workgroups have been instrumental to the…

  • Sacred Pipe Resource Center CI Report - Final

    Learning Grantee Learning Log

    August 6, 2020

    What has been most instrumenta to your progress? The healing-centered engagement project brought Native and non-Native groups together to problem solve issues in the community.…

  • Sacred Pipe Resource Center CI Report - Interim

    Learning Grantee Learning Log

    August 6, 2020

    What has been most instrumental to your progress? The first component of our activities for the Healing Centered Engagement project was to bring Native community…

  • Ducks Unlimited CI Report - Final

    Learning Grantee Learning Log

    August 4, 2020

    What has been most instrumenta to your progress? In 2022, Ducks Unlimited (DU) was able to begin implementation of our newest funding opportunity, “Scaling Soil…

  • Ducks Unlimited CI Report - Interim

    Learning Grantee Learning Log

    August 4, 2020

    What has been most instrumental to your progress? Develop Demonstration Farm: By December 2020, we restored 6 degraded wetlands on the property, installed livestock grazing…

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