Fellow Learning Log

Natalie Nicholson Log 3


July 1, 2021

I have been able to realize areas I thrive in as a leader and identify what it takes for me to get to that happy place. For example, I have a long history of being on successful teams in sports. I love the energy I receive and give to and from teammates, acknowledge the gifts and talents each member brings to the group all while trying to achieve a shared goal. I’ve taken this concept into my work and it feels good to highlight our work together as a true team. It’s important for me to feel comfortable and safe with our team in order to be vulnerable and transparent as we navigate complex changes in how we work together and with our community. Because it’s so different, it does feel uncomfortable and wrong sometimes but that’s how I know we are on the right path. Further, for me to come to the table at my best, it requires me to take time to ensure I am properly caring for myself. I have been able to get more rest at night, I am exercising in some form daily, smudging more frequently and I feel thankful daily. I continue to eliminate unnecessary work and meetings as well as protecting my weekend time for my family and friends. I feel so great being with my family, friends and laughing together.

I am happy to share I am busy, co-planning and training at work as we have a projected timeline of opening our clinic in Feb. 2023. We have initiated several systems and processes and continue to refine and reflect if they are working or not. I am proud I am doing a better job of analyzing our work progress and have initiated assistance with outside contractors to help with our progress who are experts in areas I am not. And it has been a huge relief initially to have vetted contractors willing to do the work for these short term contracts. While this is a snapshot of one component of our work, another area is the business development aspect and what we want to create as an organization of how we operate that has pushed my ability as a leader, critical thinker and how to help create equity within it.

At work we had our fall annual community giveaway and it was so special to have folks come together for the day. We received teachings as well as the ability to share our intentions and work with our community. I personally felt supported and my spirit was so happy. I was able to observe how others in our community showed up as leaders that day and how it made me feel and how I want to pay it forward to others.

Over these next 2 months I have two trainings planned (in-person:) to further hone my leadership skills and the ability to network with International Indigenous nursing researchers. I am also planning on applying for a 5-day leadership course through the Rockwood Leadership Institute for April 2023. I hope to take away specific tools and strategies to become a better leader and evaluate my own growth and development in a meaningful way.

I continue to feel grateful for this fellowship and the teammates I am honored to work with daily at Mewinzha on our home land of Bemijiimaag.

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