Fellow Learning Log

Joseph Stephen Williams Log 1


July 15, 2023

Things change. Life changes. Curve balls you don’t see coming will happen. You have to respond to these changes because that is your life. There is no shame in being flexible. We have a vision of ourselves and the plan we’ve laid out, but sometimes he have realizations that maybe the initial plan needs adjusting, the goal shifts right or left, and there is nothing wrong with that. Circumstances arise that that will have influence on your life. Learning is so much more than formal training in a colonized construct. Learning is observing, internalizing, and moving forward with that knowledge.

The exciting thing about being a Fellow is the realization is that a certain amount of trust has been extended to you being in this position. Opportunities will be afforded to you, or will be made clear to you, and it’s up to you whether or not you want to explore this new door to go through. There’s education in there. Seats at tables will be available, have a seat, listen, observe, assess why you’re there, and participate. You have a perspective that people want and need to hear. But learn to be willing to say yes to new opportunities that are you don’t think you have any business being offered.

Time runs out so quick. An instance of a “yes” or “no” exists for a fraction of a moment so strike while the moment is there. Sometimes opportunities don’t exist for you not because you’re not ready to take them on, but because it’s not ready for you yet. You’ve gotten this Fellowship because you’ve been on a journey, you have a collection of experiences that you’ve put into a perspective that has brought you to this moment, so act now to initial the steps to move ahead. This is your time to move through some doors and sit at some new tables. Assess and move forward, rinse and repeat.

My learning journey has been unexpected during the fellowship. As quick as I have attempted to move my community hasn’t been as quick to support me. Attempting to get transcripts from one institution was delayed and as a result I had to wait a semester to start at a school. The plan was to start in the fall but I was delayed until the spring. It was out of my control and had no recourse. No problem, I was already in another school and continued on with that education while attending conferences and workshops, expanding my network. In the spring I was to start at the university and the policy between the school and another institution resulted in another semester delay to start school. So I continued on with the social networking as well as finding a new plan for education. This allowed me to rethink academic learning, and mind you I already have a Master’s degree. So I found value in certificate programs that save me time and funds to learn lessons in a more proficient and cost effective way.

This also required communication with Bush Foundation. I let them know what while I wasn’t going to attend the institution as originally planned I was still am intent in moving forward with valuable leadership experience. The key here is to assess, communication, and move forward. Not just for requirements for you program, but as a good model for life. To show up and keep doing the work as you are able to.

But the learning journey with the fellowship isn’t just about formal education, but also about learning about yourself. The professional coach I’ve been working with has opened my eyes to allowing myself to have agency to move throughout space as I see fit. I’ve reevaluated what community is both professionally but also personally. I’ve reexamined my priorities and recognized what has been working for me and what needs more attention. In essence, in doing so I’ve come to see what I need to do with Bush foundation that will make me a better version of myself that I didn’t see at the beginning of the process to get into the fellowship.This epiphany is exciting and re-energizing. It also allows me to stay true to my original vision but approach it in a different way than I was thinking early on.

So be flexible. Read the materials that are extended to you, take notes and reflect deeply about yourself. Be honest with yourself about your strengths, what needs improvements and do your best to reduce this feeling of imposture syndrome. You’re on a journey of learning so embrace it and celebrate it.

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