Fellow Learning Log

ifrah mansour Log 3


July 14, 2022

My understanding of leadership has tremendous changed. I had these grand ideas of the perfect picture image of leaders. I used to think that leaders are those who often speak the most or take up space in order to bring about a need it change to our communites. I use to think leaders lead people through difficult without compromise life or kindness. But as we all are witness a new low global humanity threshold. It becomes more difficult to refine what a leader is in a time of conflict and ethnic genocide. I keep going back to my grandmothers memories of and witnessing how she was quietly leading. She’d make sure that those around her were fed, schooled and inspired people to get out of the city, away from tribe divisiveness. I want to do the same. I think about how to fed the young’ minds with so much openness and kindness that is only found with nature and art. That this form of quiet leadership nurtures a more kindly empathic individuals within communities who bring about lasting peaceful change.

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