Anita Patel: Is now your time for the Bush Fellowship?
The question of timing when you apply for the Bush Fellowship falls into three main areas: space for your growth, knowledge and connections, and a deep understanding of what you need to grow as a leader.
January 16, 2020

The question of timing when you apply for the Bush Fellowship falls into three main areas: space for your growth, knowledge and connections, and a deep understanding of what you need to grow as a leader.
Space for your growth
You are busy! If you plan to just keep doing what you are already doing with your full life and add the Fellowship on top, you may need to reconsider whether now is the right time in your life for a Fellowship. Folks who get the most of out the Fellowship create the time they need to focus on Fellowship activities. If you are already running at maximum capacity, do you have any room to absorb new experiences, connections and ideas? More than likely, you will encounter new things and they will bounce right off because you are moving so fast. We don’t want you to miss out on maximizing this Fellowship experience. Help us understand how you will make space in your extraordinary life for the Fellowship.