Fellow Learning Log

Abdiaziz A Ibrahim Log 3


July 14, 2022

Before joining the fellowship, my perception of leadership was centered around authority and control. However, having completed my master’s degree, my understanding has evolved. Now, I view leadership as the ability to influence and inspire others, irrespective of one’s title or position of power. I’ve also come to debunk the myth that leadership is an innate quality, reserved for certain individuals, while others are relegated to the role of followers. In reality, leadership is about having a vision and the capacity to effectively communicate that vision while adeptly addressing challenges. It’s not defined by one’s position but rather by proactive action. While eloquence in speech may be impressive, true leadership is manifested through tangible actions rather than mere words. Your place of birth, educational background, or skin color are irrelevant when it comes to leadership. Leadership has the potential to arise across all levels and in diverse settings, irrespective of traditional hierarchies. Finally, I found out the importance of collaboration in leadership roles. Collaboration unites individuals from diverse backgrounds, expertise, and viewpoints, fostering creativity and innovation through the exploration of a broad spectrum of ideas and solutions. I make it a priority to lead by example and regularly assess my own performance to enhance my leadership skills. I also actively seek out opportunities for continuous learning and development, whether it’s through reading books, attending workshops, taking online courses, or pursuing further education relevant to leadership.

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