Citizen Solutions: Citizen Perspectives on Minnesota's Long-Term Budget Learning Paper

Published: August 2011

In 2010, the Foundation and other partners launched InCommons, a community-based, Minnesota-wide initiative that connects people faceto-face and online to share credible tools, knowledge and resources to solve community problems.  

From July 19 to 21, 2011, the Bush Foundation, in partnership with InCommons, convened three citizen forums in Grand Rapids, Bloomington and Rochester. These forums, called Citizen Solutions, brought together Minnesotans from many walks of life and political beliefs to talk about the state budget. From Tea Party activists to committed progressives, these sessions welcomed interested and passionate Minnesotans to think, participate, and try to reach consensus.

This report recaps conversations from 130 citizens who came together to discuss Minnesota’s budget challenges. They put aside preconceived notions, discussed difficult problems openly and respectfully, and found real solutions that could help Minnesota break the cycle of stalemates and deficits.