Propel Nonprofits

Report date
June 2019

One last thought

By: DeAnna Randolph Age: 12
“ Before my family started Family Freedom School we didn't have much to do with our time. Our days would be mostly boring and filled with nothingness. When we started Family Freedom School we met very cultural people that we weren't aware of that lived in Duluth. By meeting all of these new people we felt we could share our culture and by doing so we felt less out of place. We also learned new cultures and many other things that we didn't know of before. One of the many ideas I learned was starting safe businesses and learning how to manage them. This class was important because this is a skill you use in everyday life styles. This could help me become successful in my life time. Thank you to 'Get To The Dough', and thank you Family Freedom School for allowing me the chance to learn new things.”