Minot Area Recovery Community Organization

Report date
May 2021

What has been most instrumental to your progress?

While COVID made everything difficult, we focused a lot on the Public Education part of our work plan. This started, pre-COVID by hosting a public viewing of the Moving Anonymous People, talking about ending the shame that comes with addiction and promoting the importance of thriving in recovery. Following the film, we had a panel consisting of people in recovery, law enforcement, health care providers, and other community leaders. We had over 100 people attend.

Once COVID hit, we started having community conversations by zoom around issues that affect people in recovery. This includes having Judge Ashley Beal talk about the Criminal Justice System, Officer Aaron Moss talk about the myths and facts of law enforcement and addiction, the First Lady of North Dakota talked about her recovery story and gave an update on North Dakota state issues. We also had speakers about housing, employment, AA and NA, Rep. Shannon Roers-Jones about recovery-related legislation, and much more. Altogether, well over 200 people attended at least one of our events. These events allowed us to increase the publics knowledge around recovery, but also to help bring awareness to our issues with addiction.