Minneapolis Foundation

Report date
December 2018

One last thought

We share our observation about connecting employers within the workforce development arena: it is complex. Typically, service provider relationships with employers are transactional (i.e., look for immediate job openings and identify potential candidates). With North@Work, we envisioned creating deeper relationships that consider longer-term opportunities and advancement for employees, as well as helping employers look closely at workplace culture, hiring practices and retention strategies. During the grant period, we’ve cultivated a close working relationship with several business associations and intermediaries which led to relationships with business leaders, however, serious systemic barriers around race inhibit needed progress. Minnesota’s form of exclusion is often quiet, and includes excuses related to liability, insurability, and customer exposure to continue exclusive practices within their firms. Other times, more overt individual racist behavior keeps people of color from consideration or hiring (e.g., exclusion based on name and geography remain prevalent). We remain committed to addressing this systemic issue, and appreciate the Foundation’s investment as we do so.