Find funding for your organization

A big part of what we do is make grants to organizations that are working to make the region better for everyone.

This section is chock full of funding opportunities for organizations that are improving the lives of people in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and the 23 Native nations sharing that geography.

It includes opportunities that we fund and operate ourselves, and grant programs that others operate with funding support from us.

We strive to be a radically open organization and share lots of information about our grantmaking approach.

Partner-operated programs

We support a range of community-based programs that are operated by organizations with the relationships and experiences to serve their communities well.

For any of these programs, please contact the operating partner directly with questions. Opportunities are listed in alphabetical order by program name.

  • Beyond Idea Grant Program

    South Dakota Community Foundation

    Opens annually

    SUPPORT AMOUNT: $5,000 to $100,000

    Open to organizations serving South Dakota. This program supports projects that demonstrate meaningful investment and engagement in South Dakota communities. Important considerations are how a project is community-based and whether there is demonstrated support in a community for the project.

  • Bush Prize

    Multiple community grant partners

    Opens annually

    SUPPORT AMOUNT: $250,000

    Open to organizations serving the region. The Bush Prize celebrates organizations in our region that are highly valued within their communities and have a track record of successful community problem solving. Funds are flexible and can be used to build up reserves, test that next big idea or whatever else would best support an organization’s ongoing good work. We work through 4 community grant partners to operate 4 Bush Prize programs throughout the region.

  • Creative Community Solutions

    Strengthen ND

    Opens 2x / year

    SUPPORT AMOUNT: Up to $300,000 for up to 6 years

    Open to organizations serving North Dakota. This program funds the most promising ideas, across issue areas, that have the potential to make our state better for everyone. Grants invest in efforts to develop and test ideas to solve problems and create opportunity, and then spread the best ideas across communities. The program enlists a grantmaking committee of diverse North Dakotans to make decisions about how the funds will be invested.

  • Good Relatives Collaborative Grants

    Good Relatives Collaborative

    Opens 2x / year

    SUPPORT AMOUNT: $20,000 to $60,000

    Open to organizations or groups serving Native communities. Guided by the Native worldview of the life cycle, this program supports organizations or groups seeking funding that may be at different stages of development. Applicants at all stages of growth to apply and evolve through the process of learning and teaching.

  • Minnesota Community IDEAS Program

    Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation

    Jan 6 – Jan 30, 2025

    SUPPORT AMOUNT: $160,000 paid over 3 years

    Open to organizations serving Minnesota and the 11 Native nations that share that geography. This opportunity seeks to design, test and spread ideas that make our communities better for everyone through meaningful, community-led change.
