Leslie Ellen Redmond

Leslie Ellen Redmond

Bush Fellowship
24 months

Minneapolis, MN — Leslie Ellen Redmond works for transformative change through compassionate leadership. As the youngest president of the Minneapolis National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), with a Juris Doctor and a Master of Business Administration, Leslie has demonstrated her leadership in extraordinarily challenging circumstances. She led the Minneapolis NAACP during a global pandemic and the racial awakenings and unrest after the murder of George Floyd. She has spearheaded initiatives like Win Back’s “Day of Remembrance” and the "Don't Complain, Activate" campaign, fostering activism and resilience among youth and community members alike. With her Bush Fellowship, she will focus on radical rest, narrative development, building a stronger network of elders and aligned leaders, and learning from holistic practitioners to help her lead with authenticity and joy.
