Jamil Stamschror-Lott

Jamil Stamschror-Lott

Bush Fellowship
24 months

Minneapolis, MN — Jamil Stamschror-Lott became a mental health therapist with the hope of preventing Black students from being misdiagnosed and wrongfully placed in special education systems. During his initial years of practice, he realized there were additional systemic challenges in the mental health care industry that specifically impacted marginalized groups. He and his wife started a private practice, Creative Kuponya, to provide culturally responsive services — outside of the traditional medical model — to address these issues and better support his community. He is now working to build a pathway for more Black men in Minnesota to become therapists. During his Fellowship, he will build coalitions, consult with leaders who have similar ambitions and seek personal training in fields like operations, nonprofit management and culturally specific therapeutic models.
