Heather Dawn Thompson
2017 Bush Fellow

Heather Dawn Thompson wants to engage the private sector to assist the Great Plains Tribes in their efforts to build their strength and self-sufficiency. She is a national expert in Indian law and economic development who seeks greater expertise to respond to dwindling federal assistance and limited grant opportunities for Native nations. She believes that long-term self-sufficiency can come with growth in the financial proficiency needed to compete in a complicated private marketplace. She also believes strong leadership requires the wisdom that the Lakota language and values provide. She will use her Bush Fellowship to pursue corporate finance training, combining it with a focus on traditional Lakota values of leadership, language and self-sufficiency.
Learning Logs
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OVERVIEW My fellowship focuses on self-sufficiency. Personal self-sufficiency in the form of traditional Lakota knowledge, off-grid skills and Tribal self-sufficiency through finance for economic development…
What stands out to you/has surprised you about your leadership development through the Fellowship to date? Maximum of 9,500 characters (approximately 1,580 words) My fellowship…
This past few months have been a really busy month for my Bush Fellowship related work, with some very high highs and some very low…
Reflect on your Fellowship journey in its entirety. What do wish you would have known when you started? What stands out/surprised you the most? In…