Bethlehem Gronneberg
2016 Bush Fellow
Betty Gronneberg is a new American and a software engineer with one big goal: She wants girls to engineer the world they live in — quite literally. Betty sees the gender disparities in computing and engineering jobs, and knows girls can be the driving force in technology, not just the basic consumers of it. In response to what she sees, Betty wants to foster opportunities for girls to connect with the world of coding and introduce them to careers in technology by creating an enrichment program. She will use her Bush Fellowship to strengthen her leadership expertise, study model organizations in the field and research ways to attract more girls to science, technology, engineering and math.
Learning Logs
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**The First Step** It has been said before, the journey of a lifetime starts with a single step. I stepped into that world of possibilities…
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of…
Think Big and Think Different’ is the phrase that resonated and stuck with me throughout my fellowship journey. I believe the pursuit of these two…