Alysha Price

Alysha Price

Bush Fellowship
24 months

Minneapolis, MN — Alysha Price promotes the power of strong and supportive co-parenting. As a child raised by co-parents, and as a Black co-parenting mother, she is challenging the narrative that single parents within Black communities cannot succeed. Her own experiences inspired her to write the book, “It’s Not Complicated: A Self Help Guide for Mothers Navigating the Obstacles of Co-Parenting.” She soon found that single parents were seeking tools and guidance to co-parent effectively. She is now filling that gap with The Price Dynamic, a social enterprise that inspires dignity and cooperation between single parents. The Bush Fellowship will enable her to work on her own family patterns and to deepen her understanding of the various formal and informal systems that support families. She hopes to build a strong coalition invested in reclaiming and uplifting the Black family experience.
