Cannon River Watershed Partnership Case Study

Cannon River Watershed
Cannon River Watershed

Through a partnership with Pollen Midwest, we created a case study to learn how the Cannon River Watershed Partnership is engaging community members in protecting and improving the water quality and natural systems of the Cannon River.

Excerpt from The Case Study

The Cannon River Watershed Partnership (CRWP) working with the Southeast Minnesota Wastewater Initiative (SMWI), has prevented 94 million gallons of untreated sewage from entering the state’s rivers and streams over the past decade. The SMWI project is a partnership between CRWP, the Southeast Minnesota Water Resources Board, and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency.

emphasize learning


Rather than forcing a top-down approach on rural towns that need to upgrade their wastewater technology, CRWP develops and educates a task force of community members and experts to lead each specific project. With a four-way partnership, CRWP ensures residents are not only informed, but also invested in solutions.

shared vision


CRWP leverages a mix of personalities to create a well-oiled machine of community members who complement one another and rally residents to fight pollution. When CRWP faces resistance to its initiatives, it moves toward the opposition, seeking out challengers to join local task force groups.

Cannon River Watershed Partnership


See how the Cannon River Watershed Partnership is collaboratively protecting water quality and natural systems.