Updated for 2020 Applicants

The Bush Prize for Community Innovation Application Questions

The 2020 Bush Prize application questions are provided as a reference and are what you can expect to see in the online application.

  • In 3,000 characters or less (approximately 500 words), provide a brief introduction to:
    • Your organization, its history, and its mission. If you’re applying as a fiscal sponsor, please briefly describe both your organization and the group you’re sponsoring.
    • Your community. What do we need to understand about your community or context to better understand the work highlighted in your proposal?
  • The Bush Prize is for organizations that have a culture of innovation. What principles and practices allow your organization to innovate? Provide examples of what this looks like in your organization on a day-to-day basis.
    Maximum of 3,000 characters (approximately 500 words).
  • How does the leadership of your organization support innovation?
    Maximum of 3,000 characters (approximately 500 words).
  • Describe your organization’s track record of innovation. Provide at least two examples of times when you have achieved a community innovation (a breakthrough in addressing a community need that is more effective, equitable, and sustainable than previous approaches). Include outcome data or other evidence of the impact of your breakthroughs. If you are selected as a Bush Prize Finalist, we will ask you to elaborate on these innovations.
    Maximum of 4,500 characters (approximately 750 words).
  • When you identify a community problem, how do you typically pursue an innovative solution to the problem? Describe specific examples of how your approach is inclusive, collaborative and resourceful according to the Bush Prize criteria.
    Maximum of 3,000 characters (approximately 500 words).
  • What sets your organization apart in your field? How is your approach different from the status quo? How are you trying to inform and inspire your field with your work?
    Maximum of 1,500 characters (approximately 250 words).
  • The Bush Prize is for organizations that think bigger and think differently about how they address community problems. What is your big dream for the future of your organization and its work? What are you doing now to work towards that dream?
    Maximum of 1,500 characters (approximately 250 words).
  • Is the primary purpose of your organization to advance racial and/or economic equity in our region? At least 50% of Bush Prize winners will be organizations that advance racial and/or economic equity in our region. For the purposes of this grant program, the Bush Foundation defines this as organizations whose primary purpose is to improve access, outcomes, opportunities or treatment based on race and/or economic standing. At least 50% of Bush Prize winners will be organizations that actively work to advance equity. (Y/N)
    • If yes, how? The Bush Foundation will take your entire application into consideration when determining whether your organization meets the above commitment. If your work does not actively work to advance racial and/or economic equity, you do not need to provide an answer to this question.
      Maximum of 900 characters (approximately 150 words).

All the information provided in this section should be for a single Applicant Organization. If working with a Fiscal Sponsor, the Fiscal Sponsor is the Applicant Organization.

Is your organization certified by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) public charity?

Yes or No

Is your organization a public agency/unit of government or Indian tribal government under Section 7871 of the Internal Revenue Code?

Yes or No

What is your most recent fiscal year total expenses? 
Select one from the list below.
The most recent fiscal year total expenses should reflect the applicant organization. For example, if the applicant organization is a university, select the total expenses of the university (not a department or program within the university). Also, if you are applying using a fiscal sponsorship arrangement, you should select the total expenses of the fiscal sponsor (not the sponsored project).

  • Up to $49,999
  • $50,000 - $99,999
  • $100,000 - $249,999
  • $250,000 - $499,999
  • $500,000 - $999,999
  • $1M - $4,999,999
  • $5M +

Which of the following describes where most of your work takes place? This will be used to determine the pool in which your application will be reviewed.
Select one.

  • Minnesota and the Native nations that share the same geography
  • North Dakota and the Native nations that share the same geography
  • South Dakota and the Native nations that share the same geography

What issue area does your organization address?
Select up to three. The options below are from the National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities.

  • Arts, Culture and Humanities
  • Education
  • Environment
  • Health
  • Human Services
  • Public and Societal Benefit

What best describes the community served by your organization?
Select one.

  • Rural
  • Town or city – population over 50,000
  • Town or city – population under 50,000
  • Combination: Rural/Town/City