Bush Fellowship: Application & criteria

These are the application questions and criteria we use to select Bush Fellows. We provide the questions and criteria together to help give you a general sense of how they relate. They can be a helpful reference if you are considering applying and when you apply.

When applying, we encourage folks to share a draft of their application with others to get helpful feedback.

Application question 1

We know leadership looks different in every community. Tell us who you are and what leadership means to you.

Bush Fellows have diverse backgrounds, come from different sectors and have different life experiences that have led to them becoming the leader they are today. We want to understand your journey to leadership, your work and experiences that have shaped you as a leader.

Max: 1,765 characters or roughly 300 words (written)

Max: 3 minutes (video) Submit your response either in writing or upload a short video using the provided platform. You cannot do both.

Related criteria


Outstanding character: You are a leader that is admired and respected within your community. You demonstrate integrity and generosity of spirit. You value and demonstrate inclusive and equitable leadership.

Always learning: You operate with curiosity. You actively seek new experiences and knowledge to increase your effectiveness. You value multiple perspectives and welcome feedback that challenges your point of view to build broader understanding.

Application question 2

Tell us about your track record: How have you used your influence to create change? Be clear about your specific role in making change happen.

Bush Fellows have a track record of getting things done at any stage of their careers or development. They see obstacles as opportunities for growth. They know how to bring people together to work on solutions.

Max: 1,765 characters or roughly 300 words

Related criteria


Track record: You make the most of opportunities and consistently find ways to have more impact. You don’t let obstacles get in the way because you are an experienced problem solver, able to get results. You bring a wide range of perspectives to help inform and make decisions.

Application question 3

We are looking to understand what change you want to help make happen and why?

Bush Fellows embrace big ideas and aren’t shy about trying different things. They see connections between the big and small things that add up to transformational change. They apply what they know and have learned—and remain open to—new ways of seeing problems and solutions.

Max: 2,500 characters or roughly 500 words

Related criteria


Big ideas for big change: You dream big about what’s possible. You have a vision to create equitable, large-scale change in your community. You are committed to working to benefit people and communities in Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and the 23 Native nations that share the geography.

Application question 4

We are looking for more information about how your unique experiences and perspectives will help you bring about the change you envision. Why do you believe you are positioned to lead these changes?

Bush Fellows know their experiences influence how they lead and how they create change. A sense of community—and their connection to it—is important to them and often defines the way they lead. Fellows are shaped by all of their experiences in life, work and play.

Max: 2,000 characters or roughly 400 words

Related criteria


Your role in creating change: You demonstrate the vision and drive to be extraordinary in your leadership. You have a clear understanding of how you will be uniquely positioned to lead your vision for change.

Application question 5

This is a description of your leadership plan. What specific skills, experiences and connections do you need to grow your capacity to lead and change the trajectory of your leadership?

Bush Fellows are ready to explore what they need to get to their destination for change within themselves and community. This is a chance to think big about what is possible for you that wouldn’t otherwise have been without a Fellowship.

Max: 2,500 characters or roughly 500 words

Related criteria


Trajectory changing: You clearly identify your leadership goals. You know what experiences you need that will change the trajectory of your leadership and are ready to invest the time and energy it will take to achieve this goal.

How you will use your Fellowship: Your plan for the Fellowship pushes your leadership growth in ways that would not be possible without the Fellowship. You think big! You know what you need to have even more impact as a leader. You clearly explain how your plan will help you lead in more equitable and sustainable ways.

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